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3 Piece Cottage Core Bouquet with Perennial Plants


This sweet and simple bouquet adds the perfect touch of cottage core vibes, especially when added to a glass milk or mason jar. It's as beautiful as it is fragrant.

This blend is a mix of garden roses, mint and lavender.

The roses are Bliss Parfuma bred by Kordes. It's a lovely peach to blush colored roses with full petals and packed with fragrance. The plant itself is compact and very disease resistant, especially for powdery mildew and blackspot. I purchased this rose from Antique Rose Emporium last Fall.

The mint is a lovely addition and great greenery in this bouquet. I love growing mint and cat mint- which is less invasive if that's a concern in your area. It grows perfectly underneath an established rose bush. I love how it sprawls out, acting as a ground-cover to smother weeds. It looks elegant trailing out of the side of the beds and of course , has culinary uses, too. Mint can be a great pest deterrent, especially for bugs like aphids. I generally purchase mint as started plants from a local nursery, but I've had great success growing catmint from seed. Baker Creek Seeds has great varieties that bloom in different shades of pink and purple.

This particular bed that all of these plants were harvested from is interplanted with roses and lavender. I love the steely blue color of the lavender spikes and the purple really works well with the peach and pink tones. I'm going to try my hand at growing lavender from seed next year. These I purchased as starts Home Depot.

This look is so easy to recreate and maintain. These plants are hardy perennials and require minimum care. Beauty and ease, my kind of garden!



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